A trip to The Houses of Parliament
Konsel Tus Yowynk Kammbronn

Youth Council

Konsel Tus Yowynk Kammbronn

Camborne Youth Council

There are 18 Youth Councillors who act as ambassadors for our wonderful Parish. They agree on their priorities, commit to campaigns, contribute to our consultations and their work is reviewed and discussed by the full Council.

This year, our Youth Council have heard talks and given talks to community partners, attended meetings with Cornwall Youth Council, ran a charity football tournament and fun run and contributed to Cornwall wide discussions. Additionally, they have worked with Redruth Rotary, Coastline Housing and other organisations in the community.

In previous years they have been on trips to conferences, to heritage sites and even to the Houses of Parliament.

The Youth Council at St Michael's Mount The Youth Council at St Michael's Mount

Konsel Tus Yowynk Kammbronn 2025

Youth Council 2025

We are now welcoming nominations for the 2025 Youth Council.

Any young person aged 9-21 (up to 25 for young people with SEND) is welcome apply for a position on the Youth Council providing they live, study or work in Camborne Parish. It is an amazing opportunity to shape decisions in local government, give back to the community, develop confidence and skills as well as making new friends.

The minimum commitment for Youth Councillors is striving to attend the once a month, 1 hour, meetings over the course of the year. The meetings take place in the Council Chamber, Passmore Edwards Building, TR14 8HA and are always held on a Tuesday in the latter half of each month (term time only) 4.30pm-5.30pm. We do not meet in August as everyone has a break for the summer holiday.

Nomination forms and further information can be found below.

Please contact Rose Hitchens engagement@camborne-tc.gov.uk for further information if required.


Bake Sales

Community Events

Fun Run


Guest Speakers


Football Tournament

Working with Schools

County Hall

Agan Gwel

Our Vision

We Listen, we Improve, we Achieve.
We are Camborne Town Council.
Here for you.