Public Conveniences

Privedhyow yn Kammbronn hag a-dro

Toilets in and around Camborne

Camborne Town Council maintain 2 public toilets in the Recreation Ground (Crane Road) and in Rosewarne Car Park (off Rosewarne Road).

In addition, there is also rest room scheme, where participating businesses allow the public to use their toilet facilities without charge and in return will be paid an annual fee by the Town Council. The aim is to provide good quality toilet facilities with extensive opening hours in a range of locations. Councillors have been delighted with the response from the business community in Camborne which has enabled toilet facilities for everyone to be provided across the town centre despite Cornwall Council’s closures of public toilets.

The members of the scheme, to whom we send our sincere thanks, are:

  • Cafe Soul
  • Scallywags
  • Trevithick Market
  • The Vyvyan Arms
  • The White Hart



The Mayor officially opens Rosewarne public toilets The Mayor officially opens Rosewarne public toilets