Jynnys-Difibrilla & Leow Salow
Defibs & Safespaces
Camborne and Redruth Lions are delighted to announce the installation of a second defibrillator at the entrance to the café in Camborne Indoor Market on Trelowarren Street, a project which Camborne Town Council are proud to support.
Lion Alan Hampton confirmed the installation; which means that a unit is situated at both ends of the town with another defibrillator located in the Tyacks Hotel on Commercial Street. In addition a unit is also located at the Tesco store on Wesley Street.
Any businesses wishing to take part in this potentially life-saving initiative or want to learn more about the scheme should contact the Camborne and Redruth Lions for more information ( Telephone: 0845 833 6712 or Email: info@camborneandredruthlions.org