Kesparow Gemeneth

Community Partners

Community Safety Partners

Towl Kentrevel

Neighbourhood Plan

The process of neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools to local people to influence types of development to meet their community’s needs. Neighbourhood planning allows communities to influence decisions where new homes, shops and offices are to be built. It allows a say on what new buildings look like and what infrastructure should be provided and outlines the ambition of the neighbourhood to ensure it is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.

Kammbronn Dhiblastek

Plastic Free Camborne

Here at Camborne Town Council, we recognise the Climate Emergency we face. In response to this, we have adopted a Climate Emergency Plan, to ensure that we are doing everything we can to make change within our Council, and the Parish as a whole.

We are committed to the fight against Climate Change, and believe this plan is the correct way forward. The details outlined in this plan are not static, as we recognise that as we move forward into the future, we will have to adapt our approaches to meet the needs of our ever-changing planet.

Our plan sets out the pathways we will follow in response to the global climate crisis, and demonstrates our commitment to become more sustainable and assist Cornwall Council to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Tre Dhifresyas Norvys

Earth Protector Town

Earth Protector Towns (EPTs) are a global collaborative movement of towns to protect the Earth, using an interactive process including specific goals and guidelines.

In declaring itself an Earth Protector Town, a council undertakes to collaborate and cooperate with communities, local government bodies, businesses, educational and other organisations to protect land, wildlife, air, soil and water.

Gooth Kammbronn

Pride in Camborne

Our vision is to bring marginalised communities together, building healthy relationships across an incredible integrated society, where everyone brings happiness and celebration in learning about everyone else’s differences.

Cornwall Pride, now a charity registered 1191003, builds on the success of the last 15 years as a shining beacon of visibility and awareness of the LGBTQ+ and marginalised communities across Cornwall; however, we recognise that while visibility is important, it will take much more to make our Duchy a better place for LGBTQ+ & marginalised people to grow up, live and work in our beautiful Cornwall.

Pride in Camborne Pride in Camborne