Residents can request free trees through a new charity scheme:

Camborne residents can now request a free tree for their street or front garden to help green the town. National charity initiative Trees for Streets has arrived in Camborne, and is enabling residents to easily request a new tree in one of two ways:


  1. Adopt a street tree – if there is space suitable for a tree on your street and you can commit to watering and taking care of it, a tree (2.5-3 metres in height) will be planted by Forest for Cornwall this winter.
  2. Request a garden tree – if you have enough space in your garden and can commit to watering and taking care of a tree, you will be able to collect one (1.5-2 metres in height) on an arranged date during winter and plant it yourself.

This exciting new initiative aims to enhance Camborne with at least a hundred new trees and residents can benefit from greener streets without having to pay a penny. If you’d like to find out more in person, the project will officially launch at Green Fest in Camborne Recreation Ground on Saturday June 8th 2024, where Trees For Streets & Forest for Cornwall staff will be in attendance so that you can ask anything you’d like to about the scheme.

Trees for Streets is supported by Forest for Cornwall, Trees Outside Woodlands and Camborne Town Council.

Visit to get started.

Our Engagement Team popped into the BBC Cornwall studio in Truro on Tuesday June 4th to talk about all things Green Fest including our musical line-up, the stalls, kids activities and more! If you’d like to find out more about what’s on offer at Green Fest in the Recreation Ground on Saturday June 8th, listen again on BBC Sounds here from approximately 1h 40mins in …

On Thursday 23rd May, Camborne Town Council and Camborne BID co-hosted Camborne Community & Commerce Awards 2024 at Camborne RFC, highlighting all the wonderful work by our community and businesses throughout 2024. Many congratulations to all the worthy nominees and winners and if you’d like to watch the event, it was all live streamed on Facebook (in 3 parts):

Part 1 (Intro):

Part 2:

Part 3:

In addition, here’s the full photo album from the event on Facebook (photos by Dave Scoffin Photography)

Many thanks to: Camborne RFC for the venue, The Make Space for the table decor, Berrymans for the pasties, Trophyman for the awards & Rebecca for the music.


On Thursday June 6th, the Camborne Branch of The Royal British Legion and Camborne Town Council invite you to join us in honouring the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France.
The bravery and sacrifice of all those who secured the peace and freedom we enjoy today, will be observed by the lighting of beacons around the United Kingdom, including our own beacon lighting ceremony in Camborne Recreation Ground.
In addition, there will be an outdoor service at St Martin & St Meriadoc Church, Camborne in the morning, plus there will also be an opening ceremony of a new Remembrance Garden at Treswithian Downs Crematorium at 2pm in the afternoon.
The commemorations will culminate in a ceremony in Camborne Recreation Ground between 8.45 and 9.15pm, where there will be tributes by the Mayor and the Royal British Legion along with an exhortation, last post and reveille ahead of the lighting of the official D-Day beacon at 9.15pm. There will also be a performance from Holman Climax Male Voice Choir. If you’re unable to make it along in person, there’ll be coverage across the day on our Facebook page, plus we’ll be live streaming the beacon lighting ceremony in the evening.

The Kerrier Way ‘Town Deal’ project was covered both on BBC Spotlight News and BBC Radio Cornwall last week. Cllr John Cosgrove and our Amenities and Projects Officer, David Garwood were interviewed and they discussed all the exciting plans for this neglected gateway to Camborne using the UK Government’s ‘Levelling Up’ funding.

Listen again to the BBC Radio Cornwall here: (available for 30 days after broadcast on May 14th)

You can also watch back the BBC’s Spotlight News segment on our Vimeo Channel here:

A planning application for one of the biggest town council projects in the country has been submitted. Camborne Town Council has secured £14m in funding to transform two redundant listed buildings close to the town centre into a multi-purpose community hub. As the flagship project of the Camborne Town Deal investment plan, restoration of the Basset Centre and White House in Basset Road will create space for arts, education, cultural and entertainment initiatives – all of which are designed to appeal to a broad range of age groups and interests.

Plans include a modern, spacious library, a dedicated area for young people, heritage exhibits and a performance and event facility. There will also be an outdoor walled garden, a stunning glass atrium, the town’s first changing spaces toilet and accessible parking. Renewable and low carbon materials will be used as much as possible throughout.

“Our community’s wishes and needs have been our first consideration when planning this hub – from design through to completion,” said the Mayor of Camborne, Councillor James Ball. “That’s why we’ll be holding focus groups to fine tune the details in the months to come and why we’re encouraging people to look at our plans on the Cornwall Council planning portal and let us know what they think. We’re proud and excited to breathe new life into these community assets and bring this multi-million-pound enterprise forward for Camborne. It’s a very big piece of work for us and we’re confident it will make a real difference.”

Eleven projects in Camborne were given government approval for Town Deal funding of £23.7m – the highest amount in Cornwall.

“Increasing costs have meant modifying our original plan for this centre by replacing the dedicated theatre with a more flexible events space for broader community use,” said Val Dalley, Chair of the Camborne Town Deal Board. The hub’s long-term sustainability has always been a major consideration and, to that end, prioritising local residents’ requirements is essential. We’re very pleased with the designs submitted and look forward to construction beginning in early 2025.”

To view the submission, visit:

For more information about Camborne Town Deal, visit:


On Thursday 2nd May 2024, Camborne Town Council’s Annual Assembly was held in the Council Chamber in the Passmore Edwards Building.

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cornwall Councillors made speeches as did grant recipients MHA at this open assembly, which included members of the public, who heard all about the work of the council over the last 12 months and asked questions. There were also updates on the 3 ‘Town Deal’ projects, Camborne Library, our events and more over the 69 minute assembly.

Click on the button below to watch the full 69 minute video on Vimeo.

A neglected, underused area in Camborne is about to be transformed into a green leisure space.

One of eleven projects in the town to benefit from Town Deal funding, Kerrier Way Approach is located on land formerly owned by Holman’s – Camborne’s bygone famous mining factory.

Having acquired the site and obtained planning permission, Camborne Town Council has appointed a contractor to carry out landscaping and ground remediation work. This will include constructing a low, informal grass amphitheatre, a central seating area, benches, Cornish hedging, plus planting of large canopy trees and pollution absorbing shrubs.

Bespoke artwork is also being commissioned to reflect the area’s rich industrial and cultural heritage.

The design brief states:

“The Kerrier Way Project will create a community green space, which will not only provide a peaceful, green sanctuary for community wellbeing, but also allows for performance, education events and social interaction in the landscape. This project will transform two areas of unattractive scrubland, in a prominent location for the town, into a green gateway to the commercial centre of Camborne, which is not just aesthetically beneficial, but will encourage investment into the town, help build stronger community cohesion and contribute towards national and local strategies to combat climate change”.

During the process, a public consultation will be held to re-name the site from a shortlist of options.

“Kerrier Way Approach is located on a key route into Camborne and once developed, will represent a lush, green gateway, to the town’s commercial heart,” said Councillor John Cosgrove, Vice-Chair of the Camborne Town Deal board.

“It will be a pleasant place to relax, whilst also giving a much needed and transformative makeover to what is currently redundant wasteland. I’m excited by what’s being planned – it will really make a difference.”

Kerrier Way mock-up Kerrier Way mock-up

All our photo and video content from another amazing Trevithick Day has now been posted across our social media pages, some of which has been used in BBC Radio Cornwall’s coverage of the town’s big day!  Head to our Facebook, Instagram or X pages and you’ll find …

  • Facebook livestreams of the Bal Maidens & Miners Dance and Steam Parade.
  • Video footage of Trevithick’s Dance & the Trevithick’s Society’s ‘Puffing Devil’ replica.
  • Photos from all around town (taken by Jacob of Camborne Library) including the Civic Reception.

Many thanks to all who have liked, commented and shared our Trevithick Day content, enabling our videos to receive over 60,000 views! We doubled our content creation team this year in order to provide you with as much footage as we could, both during and after the event and we were delighted to be able to provide video, photo and livestream coverage.

Click on the button below to head to our Facebook page.

On Thursday 2nd May, Camborne Town Council will be hosting the Annual Assembly in the Council Chamber in the Passmore Edwards Building from 6-7pm. It’s open to the public and all are welcome to attend, plus there’ll be pasties, saffron cake and drinks! The Assembly will include:

  • An update from the Mayor, Deputy and Councillors on all our work over the last year.
  • A video from Will Keating about his project which took 1,000 Camborne school children to sing in the Hall for Cornwall.
  •  A presentation from MHA Communities about the use of their grant from Camborne Town Council.
  • A presentation from the Library team.
  • Questions from members of the public.