Elected to the Town Council in May 2013, Val was a former Town Councillor from 1985 to 1991. Val was elected Deputy Mayor Of Camborne for 2019/21. She is Chairman of the Staffing Committee, an ex-officio member of the Planning & Development Committee and is on the Amenities Committee and the Finance & General Purposes Committee. Val also is on the Public Estates and Devolution Working Party, Corporate Governance Working Party, Strategic Budget Working Party, Awards Working Party, Boundary Review Working Party and the Passmore Edwards Building Working Party. As Deputy Mayor, she represents the Town Council on following outside organisations: the Association of Larger Local Councils in Cornwall (ALLCC), the Cornwall Association of Local Councils (CALC), Camborne Chamber of Commerce and Camborne Trevithick Day Committee. She is the Town Council’s representative on the Police Liaison Group for the Trelowarren Ward, the Cornwall Deaf Centre and Citizens’ Advice.