I have lived in Pengegon all my life. My main role as a Councillor is to represent the people who live in, work in, or visit Camborne.
I am the Vice Chair of the Planning Committee, and I am on the Staffing Committee. I am also on the Awards Working Party, Public Estates & Devolution Project Working Party, Passmore Edward Building Working Party, Donald Thomas Centre Working Party, and the Park Gerry Working Party. I am also Chairman of the Spinney Action Group.
I was a Cornwall Councillor and a District Councillor for 16 Years, and was Elected to the Town Council in 1987, making me the longest serving Councillor, this Year be in my 34th Year on the Council. I was Elected Chairman of the Council in 1996/1997, and Mayor in 2014/2015, and Deputy Mayor from May 2015 to April 2018.
I’m the only Councillor in the history of the Council to be Elected Chairman and Mayor.
I have been a Boy’s Brigade Officer for 44 years, and I play cards for the Vyvyan Arms in my spare time.